Wacky Wednesday July 15 2015

Is this what love feels like?

Is this what love feels like?

I spent last Saturday afternoon learning how to write steamy (or steamier) love scenes. My monthly Romance Writers' of America group, CRWA, had guest speaker, bestselling erotic romance writer, Lacey Thorn give us tips on how to write a love scene.

Steamy... This is a hot picture to paint.

Steamy... This is a hot picture to paint.

What opened my eyes during the presentation is that one can never learn too much when it comes to this topic. I've read (and have also written) many love scenes, but Lacey showed us that there is always something new to learn. For instance, love scenes are a perfect point to fit into the story the characters vulnerabilities and show their emotional sides. Depending on the book genre, emotions can by held back by each character as they learn to trust and to love one another, but the love scene is a place for letting go. Also, word choice doesn't necessarily make the scene erotic or less erotic. It's how the author paints the picture of what is happening physically as well as mentally and emotionally to the reader.

Lacey read us some excerpts of her novels. Whoaaaa... ***fans face***

If you like steamy romance, you might want to check out some of her books. :) 

So, Saturday was a nice reprieve because my reality before leaning about and listening to some hot hot erotic romance was sleep deprivation and worry over my sick toddler. My poor little tyke hadn't been feeling good last week and only wanted Mommy for comfort. It's nice to be needed, but at the same time I was a little stir crazy being in the house with a sick child for several days. I needed to get out of the house for a few hours while Daddy made baby boy laugh. 

Steamy love scenes helped me to feel better. 

And my sweat pea is feeling better, too! It's hard being a toddler. 

It is all in the kiss.

It is all in the kiss.

I better get back to work on my next love scene ;) 

Wacky Wednesday July 1 2015

Wine and Canvas

This resulted in a masterpiece! No - not really. Just a lot of fun!

This resulted in a masterpiece! No - not really. Just a lot of fun!

Hmmmm... Where is this going?

Hmmmm... Where is this going?

It's starting to look like something.

It's starting to look like something.

Finished :)

Finished :)

I've had some fun events over the past few days. Had a fabulous time at Wine and Canvas with a group of writer friends. If you have never been to a Wine and Canvas, check it out. They are a lot of fun. What I attended was a private event, but there are plenty of dates that are open to the public. The concept is you are guided in the creation of a painting by a "teacher" artist and during this time you can purchase some wine and sip to your heart's content while you paint. There are a lot of laughs involved and if you are scared of painting or nervous, just drink more wine! It makes it easier :)


Kings Island

Family Fun at Kings Island

Family Fun at Kings Island

Banshee - cool ride.

Banshee - cool ride.

Over the weekend, we traveled south to Kings Island and spent the day just having fun. The kiddo got to go have fun with Grandma & Grandpa's house so Mom and Dad lived the high life riding the big kid rides. I was a little nervous, not because of the rides - I've always loved amusement parks - but because the last few experiences on roller coasters weren't the most pleasant. I ended up not feeling so good. 

I'm going to chalk those up as anomalies. 



The day was cloudy, but the rain held off for us. We waited in line for Firehawk for about 90 minutes. I thought it was worth it. This is the roller coaster that makes you feel like you are flying and I loved it. We got lucky and ended up in the very first row. The weird thing about this ride is that because you get flipped over onto your stomach (as you are lying flat) there are times you feel like you are going to fly out of the seat. Once on your stomach though the feeling of flying is one of a kind.

Flight of Fear was another awesome ride. This coaster is in the dark - like space mountain - but I think it is much much much better. We ended the day with Banshee and that ride is a trip. It was the perfect ride in my opinion to end the day on.

So my experience at Kings Island was a good one. No headache, no upset stomach. Just like the old days. Guess I still got it! :)