November 11 2014 Romance Weekly



Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

Another week gone. Thanks for stopping by. If you haven't already checked out Kim Handysides blog post this week I highly recommend it. 

Our questions this week come from the talented author, Eden Ashe. Her dragons will melt your heart and fire your blood at the same time!  

Let's get started...

How much free reign do you give your characters during a story?

Mom! Make him stop.

Mom! Make him stop.


They have no reigns. They do whatever the hell they want to. They are a lot like children and pets. Sometimes I have ideas for what they should be doing but as a story progresses the characters will usually change it. My plot summaries are more like suggestions for my characters.


Have your characters ever done something so out of the blue that not only changed your story but changed the tone and maybe even the genre you were originally going for? 

So far I haven’t experienced this. My characters do change the direction of my plot frequently but nothing drastically and especially not toward a different genre. I think it would be something very cool but at the same time very anxiety producing. I’m positive this will happen to me eventually since my characters don’t like to listen when I tell them what to do and how it should happen. 

Do you have one character in your head that is sort of boss over all the rest? Or do you decide who to work on and when? 

You're not the boss of me!

You're not the boss of me!

I interpreted this question as: do I allow one character tell me what to do? No. I don’t. Usually each character speaks for themselves. (Yes. I know this sounds crazy but they are speaking in my head. I don’t believe I’m crazy but I’ve never been tested either!) That’s not to say some of my characters aren’t loud and annoying in my mind. Sometimes while working on one project a character can get mouthy and demand page time and word count. I do my best to put those characters on the back burner by writing down quick ideas or summaries and then go back to what I’m currently working on. Like most writers (if not all) I always have a work in progress but I’ve tried to train myself to finish what I’ve started or they will never become a completed manuscript.

Hop on over to my good friend's blog, LaNora Mangano, to find out how her characters behave! See you next week.

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