July 8 2014 Romance Weekly



Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

I'm back for Romance Weekly this week. Last week I was out on vacation and it went by fast. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. 

First, I have some announcements for this week: 

Two good friends of mine (who are also Romance Weekly bloggers) are celebrating their upcoming releases tomorrow July 9th!  You're welcome to join their launch party on Facebook. There will be fun games and prizes. Hope you check it out.

LaNora Mangano releases The Unknown Son from her emergency calls series. 

J.J. Devine releases her paranormal Into The Darkness.

Second, I want to remind everyone of the Romance Weekly Blog Hop and Giveaway July 29th, 2014.

There are some fantastic prizes to be given away to celebrate the 6th month anniversary of Romance Weekly. Click here to enter and join the Facebook event


Time for the questions....

If you are joining from the Writing Life of Mishka Jenkins or this is the first stop in your hop, welcome!

How did you go about choosing the names for your characters?

Sometimes I take my time and think about a name I like and want to use. I match the character to the name. Other times I play with certain combinations of the name to get to something unique. For my current manuscript I played around with several different variations until I settled on the name Raz for my main character. I wanted his name to be a little bit different since he’s not human but not so different that readers wouldn’t be able to pronounce it. Other character names come from people I meet or names I see in articles, books, and movies I like. They can be either first or last names. Sometime when a story idea hits me really fast like a eureka moment the name is just there. There isn’t any question of what the character’s name is going to be when that happens. The name just pops into my mind.

Where did the inspiration for your current book come from?

I actually started out with a different story for my current work in progress I haven’t worked on since. That story was a love triangle between two half brothers in love with the same girl. But I was having a difficult time getting the brothers’ motivations down. I started writing their back story to help me though this transition but it didn’t work. I only became obsessed with their parents’ lives and what happened to the brothers during their childhood that would’ve created the distrust and competition between them. As I started this backstory, Raz and Sandra had to be written about. I had to know how they fell in love and what forces they were up against. I hope to eventually come back to the original story because I think it’s a good one but for now they have to wait. Maybe I have to wait for them to grow up before I can finish their stories!

What methods do you use to ensure you have no plot holes (journal, storyboard, outline, editor, etc.)?

I’ve created a series bible where I put all related information on the series, including characters’ motivations, locations, and subplots, definitions, and world structure. It’s nice to have all the information handy. While I’m editing I also create a little comment at the beginning of each chapter which includes the objective of the chapter, the point of view character, and the characters’ motivations included in that chapter. Then I have to rely on other people (editors, beta readers and critique partners) to catch what I might miss. There’s no way around it - after looking at something over and over I’m going to miss something because in my mind it’s set and completed. 

Thanks for stopping by this week. For more Romance Weekly, hop on over to contemporary romance author Victoria Barbour's blog and enjoy! See you next week.