Make It Hurt So Good

I know you love me. Wanna play?

I know you love me. Wanna play?

It’s going to happen and I think I’m prepared for it, but it typically hits me like a five gallon water jug to the gut.

You know the feeling. Your best friend, your mother, a trusted work colleague, your dog or the milkman - those who you think want your creative success as much as you do - turn into the three headed hell hound, Cerberus.

One head passive aggressively tells you, “Only adults with real jobs will be successful in life, but I loved your latest work. You have such a creative hobby. Good for you.”

The second head offers false support. The kind that goes like this. “Join the club. No one likes their job. We can be miserable together.” Misery definitely loves company.

The third head is the deadliest. It’s the one that bites off the head of its young because...well just because it can. You don’t dare tell this head your true desires and dreams because obviously you don’t want to die. It looks so innocent with its big puppy dog eyes and floppy ears. “You can tell me anything,” it croons. CHOMP!

One Cerberus is one too many in my neighborhood. When my support structure becomes multiple hounds, I realize I’ve let myself travel to the imaginary hell I’ve been creating since birth. The one of childhood fears about not doing the right thing, of the belief that this is how I’m supposed to grow up. It’s the hell of responsibility and that adults are not allowed to have fun. They need to focus on finances and how many hours they can put in a week on “the important stuff”. 

As you can read, I have a very active and rich imagination. My biggest support is myself and being able to recognize when I’m the one making it hurt so good is difficult, but not impossible. 

Sometimes those closest to me, those in my support network will say hurtful things when it comes to my creative life. They aren’t turning into Cerberus (a.k.a. Cerbie). Here boy! (Honestly, he’s not a bad dog. He just has a bad rap as the guardian of hell and all.)

Perspective helps. People do and say stupid things all the time. I’m guilty. We can’t really know why they do it and can in the next breath shout to the world our dreams will come true with sweat and determination, give us the ultimate pep talk and all the hugs we can stand without commentary when we are crying in our critiques or creative rejections. 

Our support structure is so very important. They are human. We are human. Cerberus isn’t human and is totally unreasonable at times. (Especially, when there is only one treat left in the Milkbone box. 

Find where the human is. That’s the important part. 

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Wacky Wednesday August 12 2015

A rose by any other name...

A rose by any other name...

I’ve been obsessed with poems lately. I gobble them up like they were caramel chocolates. Hmm... 

Before this obsession, would I have ever used the word gobble like I did above? LOL 

Poems put me in an odd mood, not bad, not sad, but also not always a good mood. I wonder - how am I supposed to feel about the words I read? Sometimes I laugh and I'm not sure why. In my recent past, I never understood a poem could be funny. I thought they were all dark and brooding - full of fluff and large words I would probably need a dictionary to decipher.  

Ironically, the words themselves are what I like about the poetry I’m reading. I read the poems and I get an immediate image and an emotional response. I can’t always explain the feeling they invoke. Reading them aloud to someone else doesn’t provide them with the same reaction. Sometimes I get The Stare. A poem makes me think and there isn't an explanation within the stanzas, only what I can interpret with my own life experiences.

As a writer, I wonder if I should write poetry? I don’t think I'm ready or if I’ll ever be ready.

I'm pretty content reading others’ works right now. I just let myself feel the words and enjoy. 

Some of my favorite Poets right now are Billy Collins, Mary Oliver, Clementine Von Radics, and I have several of the Ten Poems series by Roger Housden. The Ten Poems books are wonderful because they give me such a wide variety of poems and poets that interest me in the collection Roger Housden compiled. It’s an exciting discovery.

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Are You Too Comfortable?

Would you do this?

Would you do this?

We like being comfortable. I know I do. A lot. 

What would you never do? Sing in public, dance at a concert, give a speech or climb to the tallest mountain you could? Yikes! I'd never do any of those things either.

The comfort zone is self-explanatory. It's my favorite blanket, a home cooked meal, or my cozy set of pajamas. 

It's also how I get stuck in a rut. I want to get out of that pit. 

So I...

  • Sing in my car and laugh when I get weird looks.
  • Have fun dancing at the park with my child. I don't care who sees me. 
  • Give an impromptu summary at a writers' club I belong to.
  • Find the tallest structure I can and climb to the top. 

The ideas above give me a swirly sensation in my stomach after eating a bad sandwich, but doing them gives me a boost in confidence. I opened myself to a new experience which in turn will get my creative gears moving. 

If your rut feels like a comfy hoodie you've had since high school it might be time to take it off and try something new. Just for a little while. I can always find my comfort zone, but if I stay there I'll only get the same old thing everyday. Sometimes I need an adventure. 

Tell me about your out-of-the-comfort-zone experience and how it boosted your confidence. 

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