Beaches Clear My Mind




The soothing waves. The call of the gulls and the feathering whisper of the ocean breeze. With summer in full swing, it's wonderful to let nature relax me and make way for the creative thoughts I'll need to sustain me over the long winter that looms over the horizon. I'm not wishing summer away only preparing my creative self for the future. 

There is something about the rhythmic waves that calms and floods my mind with imaginings. It might take a day or two, but if I allow the small (or perhaps large) period of time it takes to cleanse away all the must-dos, my mind opens to new thoughts and ideas. Sometimes more ideas than I thought possible start to bombard me. Too many to accomplish at the beach. 

I was at the ocean at the end of March, beginning of April for Spring Break. It's funny to call it Spring Break. As an adult I never really get a break unless I take it for myself. Remember, take a break for yourself. Give yourself permission for this and the creativity will follow. I've learned this lesson the most difficult way.

I'm still experiencing the benefits of my beach vacation. I wrote down a lot of ideas in my notebook between excursions and activities with the family - most times covertly. I can't share these new beginnings with others. To do so encourages discussions and must or must not dos and that defeats the purpose of the waves. 

For the past few months my spring ideas have been percolating. I will use them for motivation through summer into fall when I'll need them as the winter approaches. I've filled my wishing well. 

If you aren't near a beach or are not planning to go to one this summer, there are other ways of getting this creative benefit. Images of waves or the sound of waves can also get my mind into a similar place. I have an image on my laptop of a shoreline. The sounds of ocean waves or even of trickling water from a stream or lake also gives me a feeling of relaxation. The trick is to really allow myself to enter the world and not just look at a picture or have background noise.

But I encourage myself as well as you (if you can) to go to the real beach location, lake, river, or stream and take a real break this summer.

Letting my mind flow like waves or natural running water is a great way to get back to a creative place. It might take a while for it to work its magic. Just keep your notebook handy for all those new ideas. You won't want to forget them. 

If beaches aren't your thing. Let me know what relaxes your mind.

Photo from deposit