May 27 2014 Romance Weekly


Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all..... About our writing of course! Every week we'll answer questions and after you've enjoyed the blog on this site we'll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

It's that time again for Romance Weekly where you get to learn about your favorite authors and perhaps find a new author. If you've been hoping along today you've joined me from the blog of author Kim Handysides. Hope you enjoyed learning more about her. If this is your first stop enjoy learning more about me, Fiona Riplee. 


1. How much of yourself do you write into your characters? Or do you write characters completely opposite to you?

There is probably a little bit of my personality in each of my female characters but I honestly write heroines that I wish I could be. I consider myself to be pretty easy going and not so much a drama seeker. (I tend to stay home and write and read. Not conducive to drama producing although my husband does say I’m quite dramatic.) Some of my characters might drive me crazy if I met them in person. If this means they are more like me or less like me I’m not sure. I put them into challenging situations and once in a while I have to stop typing and remind myself that what I wrote is what I would do and not what my character would do. I also take the personalities of a few people I know and smush them together to create what I hope is someone unique and interesting to read about. 


2. Has your writing helped you see events in you own life clearer?

I think this is true for me but in terms of my fiction I couldn’t really narrow it down to a specific event in my life. It’s easy to write as an expression of my stress and frustration that I am currently going through at the moment. It’s easy to take a real life situation and use it as a base for a fiction work and all the frustrations and joys can be worked out in that piece of fiction. Outside of fiction, I have used journal writing to work through many events in my life: death of loved ones, important people that I’ve met and the impact they have on my life, finding and marrying my husband and the joy he brings, work stress and frustrations, coping with the premature birth of my son. Writing of that nature does help to clear the fog to see reality and not what my mind has falsely perceived it to be. Our minds can be very hurtful to us without us knowing. Writing lets me see the truth.


3. Have you written a character with more of your personal characteristics than any other? What are they?

This would be a challenging character for me to write. I don’t find my personal characteristics especially compelling and therefore don’t want to write a character that’s like me. I fear that the reader would be bored. :) But this is a really good eye opener for me to think about what that character would be like if he or she were more like me. It would probably be an introverted book worm who’s into geek romance and science fiction. I have a new writing prompt now! I could fit this character into a new Sixxer work. Stay tuned. 


Thanks so much for stopping by today. Make sure you continue the blog hop by visiting author Elizabeth Janette and please feel free to leave a comment.